Manage My Account
- securely pay on-line
- view & print current balance and history
- manage multiple accounts
- update account preferences
- elect to receive bills via email
If you need help with your on-line account please contact us.
Payment Options
Direct Withdrawal
Please complete an authorization for direct payments form, attach a voided check and mail to our office address.
We bill on the 28th of each month and the payment will be withdrawn from your account between the 1st and 5th.
Cash, Check or Money Orders
Payments can be mailed or dropped off at the office Monday thru Friday, 9am - 4pm.
We do not recommend mailing cash.
Service Options
Initiate Service
Please contact us at 816-858-3989 for service initiation.
If the property is located in Platte County, please complete the application form for Platte County and mail to PO Box 511, Platte City, MO 64079.
If the property is located in Clay County, please complete the application form for Clay County and mail to PO Box 511, Platte City, MO 64079.
What does Timber Creek Sewer Company do?
We provide sanitary sewer service (wastewater treatment) for areas in Platte and Clay County, Missouri. We can also provide service outside these areas, please contact us to discuss potential service options.
Why is my water and sewer bill separate?
Drinking water (potable water) is provided by a separate entity, typically a Public Water Supply District or City. These entities are responsible for billing for their services. We provide wastewater services (non-potable water) and are responsible for billing for these services.
When is my bill due?
Bills are due upon receipt. Your sewer bill is mailed on the 28th of each month and is late after 21 days. After 21 days, a 10% late charge is added to the balance due.
What if I didn't receive a bill?
Please give us a call and we'll make sure to get you the current balance. Sometimes the bills may get inserted into magazines, papers or other loose mail and may get mis-placed. Also, please contact the Post Office to inform them that you did not receive your monthly bill to help the Post Office troubleshoot any delivery problems. If for some reason you did not receive a bill you still have to pay for the services.
What if I receive someone else's bill?
Please let the Post Office know as soon as possible to re-direct the mail. Please contact us so we can make a note on your account.
Why is there a convenience charge if I pay by credit card?
The credit card companies charge a fee to use their card. You will receive a separate receipt for this fee.
What is a grinder pump and how do I know if I have one?
A grinder pump is used to pump wastewater that is discharged from the house to the sanitary sewer system. Grinder pumps are used when buildings are lower than the main sewer line and can not use gravity to drain water from the house to the sewer main.
Grinder pumps have an electrical box with an alarm light mounted on the outside of the building and an underground pit with cover in the yard. Also, you will have an additional charge for a grinder pump added to the monthly sewer bill.
In some rare cases, houses will have a sanitary sewer grinder pit and pump inside the home. In these cases the homeowner is responsible for the grinder pump.For additional information on grinder pumps, click here.
Will I have to pay to repair the grinder pump?
Per Timber Creek's tariff with the Missouri Public Service Commission:
If the grinder pump system fails due to normal use, the repairs to the pump will be covered.
If the grinder pump system fails due to abuse, the property owner will be responsible for the repair.
What is considered abuse to a grinder pump?
Any item that is considered trash or an environmental hazard in the system. This includes but is not limited to:
Feminine hygiene products such as sanitary pads or tampons;
Fibrous material such as baby wipes, baby disposable diapers, etc.;
Cloths such as cleaning rags or cleaning wipes;
Birth control products;
Food grease, powered detergent, glass;
Environmental hazardous wastes such as paint, paint thinners, cleaning fluids, automotive oils, pesticides, herbicides, etc.;
Toys, toothbrushes, etc.
A good rule of thumb to follow is that any item that is not readily dissolved in water other than toilet paper should be placed in the trash or the appropriate disposal method and not in the sanitary sewer system.
I have signed up for e-billing, why am I still receiving a postcard in the mail?
The e-bill serves as an alert to our customers for the new billing cycle of postcards.
Mailing Address
PO Box 511
Platte City, MO 64079
Office Phone
Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm
Grinder Pump Service Primary Contact: Haynes Equipment, 913-782-5013
Emergency Phone - after normal business hours
816-858-3989 - Option 3
Email Address
Office Location
18305 Cable Bridge Rd
Platte City, Missouri 64079
About Us
Timber Creek Sewer Company (TCSC) is a Missouri Corporation providing wastewater reclamation to areas primarily in Platte and Clay County, Missouri. TCSC provides wastewater collection and treatment for residential and commerical customers as well as parts of Platte City.
TCSC was founded in 1988 and currently owns and operates several wastewater treatment facilities, lift stations, and over 35 miles of collection system lines. As one of the fastest growing investor owned utility companies in the State of Missouri, TCSC works with developers, municipalities, and property owners to provide cost effective, high quality environmental solutions for wastewater services.
TCSC is regulated by the Missouri Public Service Commission, Missouri Department of Natural Resources and EPA.
© 2014